Original Research
Understanding student understanding in mathematics
Pythagoras | Issue 60 | a124 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/pythagoras.v0i60.124
| © 2004 Willy Mwakapenda
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 20 October 2004 | Published: 20 October 2004
Submitted: 20 October 2004 | Published: 20 October 2004
About the author(s)
Willy Mwakapenda, University of the Witwatersrand, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (79KB)Abstract
Understanding is one of the most important traits associated with the attainment of educational goals. However, Nickerson (1985) observes that although the concept of understanding is a fundamental one for education, “what it means to understand is a disarmingly simple question to ask but one that is likely to be anything but simple to answer” (p. 215). A significant concern in school mathematics is learner understanding of mathematical concepts.
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Crossref Citations
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