Original Research

A graphical user interface tool to teach plane curves in pandemic situations through a flipped classroom

Atteeq Razzak
Pythagoras | Vol 45, No 1 | a762 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/pythagoras.v45i1.762 | © 2024 Atteeq Razzak | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 19 June 2023 | Published: 10 July 2024

About the author(s)

Atteeq Razzak, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan


During the pandemic and lockdown situations of the last few years, we transitioned to online, physical, and hybrid education approaches at various times. We had difficulty teaching multiple calculus and analytical geometry units online. In light of the current situation, a graphical user interface (GUI) teaching tool has been developed to teach university students many plane curve modules through a flipped classroom. With a few inputs and a single click as output, these executable spreadsheets can assist physics and mathematics students in practising several principles of analytical geometry. Spreadsheets can readily draw planes in three-dimensional geometry due to their widespread use. Some online vector GUIs present the results; however, this GUI conveniently illustrates the plot. The well-designed user interface also helps create new questions with answer keys and gives access to the teachers of physics and mathematics, which can make online teaching very easy. The effectiveness of this GUI was checked through Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests, and a good agreement has been found in the results.

Contribution: This article contributes to Mathematics teaching through GUIs.


teaching through GUI; spreadsheet; analytical geometry; mathematics teaching; flipped teaching

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Goal 4: Quality education


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